F8F vs F4U

F8F Bearcat versus F4U Corsair

Airplane F8F Bearcat F4U Corsair
Country USA USA
Type of aircraft Fighter Fighter
First Flight 1944 1940
Introduction 1945 1942
Crew 1 1
Number built 1265 12600

Airplanes dogfight compare

Lethality points 120 60
Lethality level Very High High
Firing Time pts (main gun) 28 30
Firing Time pts (secondary guns) 39 30
Firing Time pts (total) 67 60
Main gun Rate of fire (round/min) 750 1200
Main gun Effective range (yd) 2000 2000
Main gun Effective range (m) 1829 1829
Turn Radius (No flaps) 698 691
Turn Radius (Full flaps) 414 428
Speed/Accele./Agility pts 91 75
Acceleration (0-150 ft (ft/s)) 10,30 8,50
Acceleration (0-150 ft (m/s)) 3,14 2,59
Acceleration (250-300 ft (ft/s)) 24,10 10,60
Acceleration (250-300 ft (m/s)) 7,35 3,23
Wing Loading (lb/sq ft) 66 38
Wing Loading (kg/sq m) 322 185
Max Power/mass (hp/lb) 0,292 0,251
Max Power/mass (hp/kg) 0,644 0,553
Min Power/mass (hp/lb) 0,167 0,157
Min Power/mass (hp/kg) 0,368 0,347
Climb Rate (ft/min) 6300 3870
Climb Rate (m/min) 1920 1180

F8F vs F4UAirplanes Size/Power/Specs

Length (ft) 28,20 33,80
Length (m) 8,60 10,30
Width (ft) 35,90 41,00
Width (m) 10,94 12,50
Height (ft) 13,90 14,80
Height (m) 4,24 4,51
Wing Area (sq ft) 244 314
Wing Area (sq m) 22,7 29,2
Empty Weight (lb) 7700 9270
Empty Weight (kg) 3493 4205
Max. Take Off (lb) 13490 14770
Max. Take Off (kg) 6119 6700
Engine Power (hp) 2250 2325
Engine 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-2800-30W 1 × Pratt & Whitney R-2800-18W
Max Speed (mph) 455 453
Max Speed (km/h) 732 729
Max Speed (Mach) 0,60 0,60
Max Range (miles) 1108 900
Max Range (km) 1783 1448
Service Ceiling (ft) 40950 41600
Service Ceiling (m) 12482 12680


Airplanes armament and equipment

4 x 12.7mm machine guns

4 x 20mm cannons

4 x 12.7cm rockets OR 1 x 1000lb bomb

6 x 12.7mm machine guns
4 x 20mm cannons (F4U-1C) 


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